Rice Milk Soap | Thai | Handmade product | Best seller | K.Brothers | Whitening | Brightening | Anti-bacteria


K.Brothers Pure Milky Jasmine Rice Soap The Herbal Moisturizing Soap.
With the finest Jasmine Rice extract ingredient the enriches of vitamin B if can help to maintain skin tone and lighten your skin
complexion without any side effects and get rid of the unwanted pimples or acnes.

Condition: New
Size : 60 gm
Quantity : 12 pcs
Ingredient : Coconut oil, Aqua, Rice Extract, Milk Extract, Fragrance Glycerine etc.K-Brother Rice Milk soap.
Jasmine Rice extract enrich of vitamin B. It can help to maintain skin tone and lighten your skin complexion without any side
effects. Get rid of the unwanted pimples or acne and dark spot. Besides,it also keep your skin softly smooth gentle and younger .
Direction : Use on the face with warm water then smoothly scrub affected areas. Massage creamy bubbles on skin with fingers and
rinse it off gently. Two time a day.

Minimum order quantity: 432 pieces

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